I decided to take the trip to Texas and see my dad in the hospital after his surgery. It was determined he had a clot in his brain and was bleeding. The doctors said they needed to operate to remove the clot and stop the bleeding. The operation lasted for about an hour and a half while I was on a flight to texas to see him. The operation was a sucess and on the road to recovery. When I arrived, I saw him and though he was sleeping semi-concious, he recognized me and called out to me. Most of what he said I couldn't understand. We just enjoyed the time together.
My time with him passed and he was getting better. I returned home and enjoyed time with my family by going to Disneyland for Thanksgiving. The next day I received a call that my father took a turn for the worst. He was unresponsive, had a high fever and the doctors were unsure as to why. I then received a call that my father did not show any brain activity and was placed on a ventilator to keep him alive. It turns out he survived the stroke however he contracted E coli while in the hospital. His body quickly deteriorated and my family decided to remove him from the ventilator. My father's body lived for another thirty minutes after being removed from the ventilator. He passed away November 30th 2010.
I'm glad I was able to see him before he died as he was able to recognize me and communicate to a degree. I didn't go back when he no longer had brain activity as I believed he had already passed and his body was being kept alive artificially. My wife and I flew back to Texas to attend his funeral. My dad was buried on December 4,2010 which was his 29th wedding anniversary to my mom. That date was not our choice. Sometimes the universe has a way of making things happen full circle.
Love you Pop.
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