Well, the other day.....(I say the other day because I can't remember what day it was), I was doing my daily rituals consisting of the LBRP, BRH and MP. In additition of my daily rituals I performed the LIRP to meditate with an archangel on my current path and direction. I based my questions from the recent tattwas work. I feel that I must keep the name of the archangel private as I feel it is personal information that is not needed here. Anyhoo, while meditating I did not get anything, absolutely nothing. So I closed up my ritual and it was the end or so I thought. A couple of days ago, I read Fr POS' blog on thought forms. It was inspiring, it was great, it was what I needed to be reminded of. Then it hit me. I recently did a LIRP and although the archangel did not come to me in my meditation, he came to me through another. It seemed very odd to me that another person would be inspired to write a blog on the very thing that I needed to work on. Very cool indeed.
Today, I was performing my daily rituals ( instead of using the initials every time I say daily rituals, we will just assume them when I say daily rituals) along with the LIRP. During my meditation with the archangel, I asked about my role in the lodge I belong to. I saw a Pyramid among the clouds or was it smoke? The Pyramid had a bright beacon at the top shining brightly piercing the obstruction. The Pyramid was gray in color. It wasn't the first time I had seen a Pyramid in a meditation. A few months back I was meditating with another archangel, I had gotten a black Pyramid with a bright beacon on top. I still have yet to determine why I received a Pyramid and what it means.
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